Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I recommand...etc.

Okay, so here goes. I had originally intended for this project to be on London Dialects, hence the name...unfortunately, however, that was a more complicated research topic than I had expected, therefore, I changed my topic to Olde Englysh, because it seemed to pretain a similar subject. I would say that the project, was overall generaly, a pretty good project, but I do recommend, that if I were to do this project again, I would probably do some more preplanning, because although I was able to do the project overall well, I was sort of racing against the clock, partly because I changed my subjects. I would also recommend, maybe creating some Olde Englysh scripts of every day phrases, or conversations. That way, I would be able to record much sooner. Those are most of the recommandations I would make if someone else were to do this project, with the same research topics.

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